What People Are Saying...
“I don’t know what you have her doing, but she is doing amazing! We have tried everything imaginable over the past 4 years, and we are thrilled with this. I know your help is working! Thanks for all you do!”

Michael and Lisa
in Florida
Lisa has Aphasia
“I’m getting a stronger voice from your classes. They’re fun, too. I look forward to them!”

Gail in Echo Bay, Ontario, Canada
With Parkinson's
"So glad I got in. My favorite hour of the week! 

Barbara in Minnesota
Stroke Survivor
"You are definitely making a difference with Doug. He feels more confident and looks forward to your classes. Thank you."

Doug and Annie
in Connecticut
Doug has Aphasia
"I know I've said many times, how much being involved in Beyond High C has advanced my progress in my personal recovery and I have enjoyed and love watching the same in others

Jack in Florida
Brain Injury Survivor
"You and the class have made a big difference for him. The class is so supportive, it makes Byron feel extremely comfortable. He is always asking me if he is improving when he does therapy. With your class he will tell me, "I think I did good with this song!" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Byron and Donna in Nevada
Byron has
Wernicke's Aphasia
"I am finding confidence the more I practice in your class. Great stuff :-). Thanks again!" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Donna Smith in Toronto, Canada
With Parkinson's
"I think you've been doing such a great job including Mike. He does seem to enjoy class and seeing the other people. I think the class is really helpful for him and we are very excited."

Mike and Pamela
in Michigan
Mike is an
Aneurysm Survivor
"Thank you for all you do to make the class so enjoyable. We love your presentations. Thank you for "loving" Shawn. I know this interaction is helping him feel that he is worthwhile in life."

Shawn and Karen in Tennessee
Shawn is an
Aneurysm Survivor
"Thank you for everything!! You are amazing!! I meant what I said in class, that I am doing well and I owe it to the classes I have done with you. Thank you!!!"

Thad and Lisa
in Texas
Thad is a
Stroke Survivor
"Your "Hey Baby" class was fabulous! Yes I will work on getting the power from my core while relaxing my neck and facial muscles. Thanks for making it fun!"

Tom in
London, Canada
With Parkinson's
"You give us so much hope."